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Danny & Gerry

Danny Sheard


Danial (Danny) D. Sheard was born in British Columbia, Canada, in 1970. His musical background, in Canada, stretches back to 1976, when he started vocal and piano lessons. From 1980 - 1988 he studied classical and jazz trumpet. In 1986 he began to learn bass guitar.

After school in 1988 Danny moved from Vancouver, Canada to Austria, where he studied Jazz bass guitar at the Prayner Conservatory in Vienna from 1991- 1994. Since 1990 Danny has been teaching English as a foreign language to children between the age of 3 and 13. He worked for various companies until 1998 where he then opened the company our-music.com with his partners.

He has conducted seminars for teachers in Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Munich, France and Japan.

In 1994 Danny and Gerry decided to record an English children's cassette with brand new original children songs. It was titled "Our Songs" and was released in Europe and Japan. In the meanwhile, "More Of Our Songs", "Our Day Out", "Our First Songs" and "Our Christmas Songs" have been released..

By combining their practical understanding of teaching children and their musical backgrounds, Danny and Gerry have been able to produce these wonderful new children songs which are being taught to children privately and in schools allover Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, France and Japan.

Since 1995 Danny and Gerry have performed many concerts for children with great success and feedback.

You may write an email to Danny using the following address:

See Gerry´s CV

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More Of Our Songs 20/20
The newest CD from Danny & Gerry is here: More Of Our Songs 20/20. See more information on our homepage and get your copy through our online shopping service.
Danny & Gerry - More Of Our Songs 20/20
Riddle 17
Mary's parents have four kids,north,south and east.Whats the other kids name?
Our First Songs: Where Is Mary
Riddle joke 3
What do you call a song about a car?
Our Day Out: Our Car