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Danny & Gerry

Teachers kit

Through teaching children we have discovered that a lot of our ideas and activities which we used with "More Of Our Songs", "Our Day Out" and "Our First Songs" have turned out to be very successful.

So we decided to collect them and create a teacher's kit. After a few months of hard work we finally had more than 270 pages full of creative learning ideas, game activities and worksheets. We even included the lyrics and the chords for guitar or piano. By the way: if you don't want to play on your own, Danny and Gerry do perform live !

How much is it?
At this moment we are offering the teacher's kit at a of EUR 199,90 only. You may easily order it through our online shopping service!

Teachers Kit sample # 4 (preview) Teachers Kit sample # 5 (preview) Teachers Kit sample # 6 (preview)


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