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Danny & Gerry

Our Pictionary

What is a pictionary?

The wonderful solution for classroom work! And easy to use!

A pictionary is a dictionary with pictures and is the ideal way to build up a childs vocabulary.

Our pictionary is a project activity for any size of class. Each child has the chance to create his/her own pictionary. The children simply need an empty folder where they can always add in a pictionary page and slowly build up their own reference.

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More Of Our Songs 20/20
The newest CD from Danny & Gerry is here: More Of Our Songs 20/20. See more information on our homepage and get your copy through our online shopping service.
Danny & Gerry - More Of Our Songs 20/20
Riddle 5
What comes once in a second, twice in one hour, and never in three hundred years?
Our First Songs
It's here: the third CD by Danny & Gerry called "Our First Songs". It includes some often requested songs, like "The Elephant Song" or "Spooky. Spooky, Spooky".
Follow the link for more information now:
Our First Songs in an overview