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July 27th in history

Encyclopædia Britannica presents people and events from this day in history:

Terrorist attack at Atlanta Olympics: 27 July 1996 - This Day in History

On this day in 1996 a pipe bomb exploded in Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia, killing 1 person and injuring 111 in the first terrorist attack at the Olympics since the 1972 Games in Munich, West Germany.

More Events on this day:

1953: The armistice agreement ending the Korean War was signed at P'anmunjm in central Korea.

1946: Avant-garde writer Gertrude Stein, whose Paris home was a salon for leading artists and writers, died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

1919: The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 was ignited after a young black man was stoned and drowned in Lake Michigan for swimming in an area reserved for whites.

1909: The world's first military airplane completed one of the final qualifying flights for its sale to the U.S. Army Signal Corps by Wilbur and Orville Wright.

1830: The July Revolution began in France, leading to the abdication of Charles X and bringing Louis-Philippe to the throne.

1214: At the Battle of Bouvines, French King Philip II defeated an international coalition led by the Holy Roman emperor Otto IV.

Charlotte Corday: Biography of the Day

Charlotte Corday

"I told my plans to no one. I was not killing a man, but a wild beast that was devouring the French people."

Charlotte Corday

Charlotte Corday—a young Girondin conservative who assassinated the French revolutionary Jean-Paul Marat in 1793 while he was bathing and who was subsequently tried, convicted, and guillotined—was born this day in 1768.

Reign of Terror ended by the Thermidorian Reaction: 27 July 1794 - This Day in History

As the French grew increasingly weary of the Jacobin Reign of Terror during the French Revolution, a revolt, the Thermidorian Reaction, was initiated by Antoine-Christophe Merlin and other conspirators on this day (9 Thermidor, year II, according to the French republican calendar), which resulted in the execution of Maximilien Robespierre and the collapse of revolutionary fervour in France. The same guillotine that on 9 Thermidor executed 45 anti-Robespierrists executed in the following three days 104 Robespierrists, inaugurating a brief “White Terror” against Jacobins throughout France. Notably, the journalist Louis Fréron organized gangs of fashionably dressed jeunesse dorée (“gilded youth”), who assaulted Jacobin workmen in the streets.

More Events on this day:

1996: A pipe bomb was detonated in Olympic Centennial Park during the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, killing one person and injuring 111.

1953: The armistice agreement ending the Korean War was signed at P'anmunjm, Korea.

1946: Avant-garde writer Gertrude Stein, whose Paris home was a salon for leading artists and writers, died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, France.

1919: The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 was ignited after a young black man was stoned and drowned in Lake Michigan for swimming in an area reserved for whites.

1909: The world's first military airplane completed one of the final qualifying flights for its sale to the U.S. Army Signal Corps by Wilbur and Orville Wright.

1830: The July Revolution began in France, leading to the abdication of Charles X and bringing Louis-Philippe to the throne.

1214: At the Battle of Bouvines, French King Philip II defeated an international coalition led by the Holy Roman emperor Otto IV.

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